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Active Explosion Isolation Gate Valve

Product Types

 Mechanical barrier which prevents the spread of flames and pressure by closing within milliseconds of detection, effectively preventing the deflagration from propagating through process piping or duct work. Available for duct sizes up to DN400.

Isolates explosions propagating with or against the process flow.

Suitable for organic and metal dust hazards, including aluminum deflagrations; and suitable for abrasive conveying applications, which may damage other types of isolation valves.

Available with hygienic gate seal for low product buildup, and available in pharmaceutical execution with capability of full cleanabilty inside and outside; wetted parts do not contaminate food product.



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    Atlas Teknik Inc.

    Atatürk Mahallesi Ataşehir Bulvarı No:5 Gardenya Plaza 5 Kat:5

    +90 (216) 651 5137


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