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Disinfection Systems

Chlorine Dosing Systems

Chlorine dosing systems are one of the most common systems used for disinfection. In addition to its permanent effect, chlorine dosing system is one of the most economical methods. Chlorine dosing units are used to oxidize substances such as nitrite, iron, manganese in water and disinfect impurities such as bacteria and viruses.

On / Off Controlled Dosing Systems

In these systems, dosing is adjusted manually. The amount of chemical to be dosed is adjusted by the stroke value on the pump. As with other dosage pumps, many different fluids can be dosed with these pumps.

ORP Controlled Dosing Systems

ORP controlled systems measure the chemical dosage by measuring the amount of chemical in the water. It stops the dosage or continues dosing by measuring the amount of chemical set. Depending on the set inlet and outlet pH values, chemical dosing starts or stops dosing automatically. In these models, apart from the dosing pump and control panel, there are electrodes (probe) and an analyzer for measurement.

Flow Controlled Dosing Systems

It provides dosing opportunity according to the amount of flowing water in flow control dosing pumps. The meter measures the passing fluid and sends a pulse to the pump, and the pump doses the desired chemical.

Ozonation Systems

Ozonization Systems are advanced technology systems used for disinfection of drinking water. Ozone, which is a two times more effective gas than chlorine, has a high oxidation power. Ozonization Systems can be used to clean water and give a crystal clarity to the water by adding O3. Especially due to its ability to kill bacteria, viruses and molds, and to remove iron, sulfur, manganese and hydrogen sulfate, thus removing the biological contamination in the water.Since the ozone systems are the most effective in cleaning water and are very environmental friendly systems, they are used in the majority of drinking water factories in the world, in the food industry to disinfect the water, to disinfect the water in large aquariums and fish farms, to clean wastewater and to remove toxic wastes. Ozonization Systems are designed by the A.O. Smith expert engineers as a result of various analyses and offered in proportion to the required water.

System Features

  • Do not leave chemical residue in water or air.
  • Don’t give water a chemical smell or taste.
  • Destroy harmful microorganisms in the water.
  • Degrade iron and manganese. Environmentally friendly

Ultraviyole Su Dezenfeksiyon Sistemi

Ultraviyole cihazı, içinde bulunan UV lamba’nın yaydığı ultraviyole ışını ile sudaki bakteri, virüs, mantar gibi mikroorganizmaların hücre yapılarını bozar ve onları etkisiz hale getirir.

Ultraviyole cihazı, paslanmaz çelik gövde, uv lamba kılıfı, uv lamba ile kontrol panosu olmak üzere dört bölümden oluşur. Su paslanmaz çelik gövdenin içine girer, burada uv ışınlarına maruz kalır ve filtreden steril olarak çıkar. Suda bulunan mikroorganizmaların, Ultraviole dezenfeksiyon sistemi ile 254 nm dalga boyundaki mor ötesi ışınlara maruz bırakılarak DNA ve/veya RNA yapılarının bozularak zararsız hale getirilmesi işlemine mikrobiyolojik arıtım denir. Ultraviole, suda bulunabilen patojen ve pirojen bakterileri, virüsleri, mantarları ve diğer mikroorganizmaları %99,999 oranında yok eden etkili bir dezenfeksiyon yöntemidir.

Bu yöntemde ısı ve kimyasal madde kullanılmadığından, dezenfeksiyon sonunda, suyun tadında ve bileşimde herhangi bir değişiklik meydan gelmez. UV ışınlarının etki gücünün tam olması için, suyun hassas bir Filtrasyon işlemine tabi tutulması, uygulamanın depo sonrası ve son kullanımdan önce olması, uygun debi kapasitesine sahip bir UV sisteminin seçilmesi gerekmektedir.


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